Do You Need Vaping Review's


I do vape related reviews and post over social media Facebook Twitter Instagram Tumblr 
I will also post the review on my blog linking direct to your company
I will then take the time visit your website and find the products and compile a short review for your readers
on top of the review i post daily to promote companies i have done reviews for  Over all Social media to direct new customers to Said Companies

Once my review is done i take images of each item  sharing on  Instagram Twitter facebook tumblr tagging that company in them with a little review of that product to help promote and grow that company

I would love the opportunity to review your products. 

When i review i use multiple tanks and batteries for juice to see how it preforms for novice users and advance users as i found some juice does not work in all devices and flavor is somewhat different in certain devices

I havent got into the youtube vlog reviews yet but its in the works

This is how it works
You would contact me via any of the above ways i would exchange my Shipping information
you would ship me products to review
Once  items are received I would take note of shipping packaging, information sent with product , I would take notes on E-juice bottles & labels the smell of the juice how juice tastes 
Hardware the over all image of product the setting what was included how it preformed
then start my review

After 1 month i would do a follow up review and share again

Thanks for your time



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