Aspire Triton Tank From

Aspire Triton Tank From

i won this tank along with the Pegasus 70W mod shown here in a contest from on their twitter page  @HeavenGiftsCom

i absolutely love this tank it took me a little while to get it dialed into where i like the airflow set but once i did the flavor from juice is amazing and its easy to fill this tank holds 3.5ml of juice

it has lots of air flow on this tank
it has top airflow as shown in image to the right i have this closed right now because i find it best at the settings i use

it also has airflow at the bottom of the tank as shown in image to the left i have this set wide open for max air when i draw

to refill this tank just turn the top so the arrow is pointing at the tear drop symbol on the tank as shown in image to the right

then remove the drip tip and top airflow control they pull out together as shown in image to left

with the drip tip and airflow removed you can see 2 filling holes in the top of the tank to fill up juice as shown in image to right

once juice has bee filled turn top part of tank so the arrow  lines up with the vaper symbol as shown in image to the left

once closed you will notice the juice drained down to coil and top fill holes are now closed

replace top air flow control and drip tip
(note Most standard drip tips will fit into the air flow control )

as for the coils on this tank its easy to change  unscrew the bottom half of the tank as shown in image to the right  then unscrew coil and replace

i like how the coils on this tank are color coded

Red  - 0.15 ohm (NI200)  Temperature Control Coil

Blue  - 1.8 ohm (rated at 10-13 watts)

Black - 0.4 ohm (rated at 25-30 watts)

i would recommenced this tank to all vapers both novice and experienced

as an extra option you can purchase the RTA for this tank  which would allow you to build your own coils

for more detailed info on this tank see HERE





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