Propaganda E-juice Review

I was sent this line of juice to do a review on
i loved the packaging of this sample box with the flavor profiles on the box and each juice having its own little spot in the box the simple graphics also on each flavor are great to easily tell the juice apart

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each juice is linked so you can purchase if you want to try them

  • Packaging -  arrived in a box inside which is the promotional sample box
  • Labels -  waterproof shows nic level  warning label  and juice name
  • Bottle - Amber glass bottle each with its own dropper cap 
The label has small text i had to take a picture to read it so here is what the warning label looks like
I received the following flavors to try all was tested in a tank and RDA at different temperatures and wattage 
Illuminati - Subliminal - Widow Maker - Wild Fire - Treason

This is a Refreshing Blood Orange with sweet undertones of Pineapples and strawberries
this is a pleasant vape the orange takes over on flavor and you do get a slight hint of pineapple on the inhale you get hit with a burst of strong orange and on the exhale you get more orange and a slight taste of pineapple the orange is a sweet orange almost creamy that sticks with you for a while i tested this is a dripper and a tank for flavor profiles this has a great vapor production and great aroma this is an all day vape for me 

Rating 5 stars
This is a Sweet  and Sour Razzmatazz Candy
this has a sour like smell i dripped this first because i was not keen on the smell of this vape and it tasted OK in the dripper a little on the sour fruity side for me but was nice so i loaded this in a tank and wow on the inhale your hit with a strong taste of what seems like perfume on the exhale your left with an after taste of strong raspberry perfume i did not like this flavor at all it does not taste like no sweet n sour candy i have ever tried i couldn't even finish the tank full i had to dump it and change coil and wash tank it did produce good vapor though

Rating 1 Stars
Widow Maker
This is a Bavarian Cream Infused with Blueberries
on this flavor you can  smell the blueberries strong from the bottle on the inhale you taste the blueberries but very little Bavarian cream same with the exhale its all blueberries and hardly any Bavarian cream i would have liked a little more Bavarian and less blueberry on this the blueberry is just too strong this did have great vapor production

Rating 3 stars

Wild Fire
This is a Toasted Almond Mezzaluna Cookie
the smell of this juice has a really pleasant smell it reminds me of a desert i have tried the vapor production is awesome as for the taste i would say this is an acquired taste the inhale is rich smooth and creamy you can taste a cookie base and an almod flavor on the exhale your hit with an after taste of almonds and cookie this is a very rich flavor profile like most expensive cookies are this is that 

Rating 4 stars
This is a Lemon Pudding topped with Cream
this to me has an amazing aroma on opening the bottle you can smell the lemon right off and the taste on the inhale your hit with a rich sweet creamy lemon and the exhale is the same rich smooth creamy lemon that sicks around for a little while after this reminds me of a lemon cake or lemon meringue this is a really sweet pleasant vape the vapor production is great this is an all day vape to me 

Rating 5 stars

I enjoyed these flavors from This E-Juice Line some more than others
This Juice Produced good vapor in all tanks even at low wattage

so now these 5 bottles are going into a cool dark lonely spot for 30 days to steep and mature 
Over the next 30 days i will continue to test this juice and post a review after 30 days
you cant get to fully know a juice until you have vaped it for a while

My recommendations for this juice line is
Illuminati - Treason

This is my honest personal opinion
I understand not every has the same taste so please check other reviews or try for your self 
I was NOT paid or offered a reward for doing these reviews

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